How to sell advertising: step-by-step instructions, tips and secrets. How to sell advertising on the Internet? Types of Internet advertising

Internet advertising is the presentation of services or goods online, aimed at large quantity clients. It consists of an external part that the advertiser places with the site author (banners, text blocks, etc.), and links leading to the advertiser’s resource. Our material today is about how to correctly place advertising on the pages of a website to sell it.

First you need to choose the advertising networks that suit you. When choosing, you should pay attention to the regional orientation of people visiting sites - geotargeting. To meet site requirements advertising networks the main source of its traffic should be the search engines Yandex, Google, Rambler,

Take a closer look at teaser networks. They are quite demanding about the quality of the site and its traffic. Such networks allow the installation of an advertising block on a website that has animated, spectacular pictures, i.e. teasers. The advertiser here will be able to earn money on the number of clicks made on teasers by site visitors. Popular teaser networks are: Teasernet, Medianet.adlabs, Bodyclick, Pay-click. Each of them has its own rules for operation and sets its own criteria for attracting a site to sell advertising. The Google AdSense system offers the simplest conditions for working together

for the purpose of selling advertising. When collaborating with her, you must have your own website to sell advertising space. You can consider the rules banner networks

. Their work scheme is similar to that of teaser networks, but not only clicks, but also impressions are subject to payment. For payments, electronic wallets WebMoney or Yandex Money are used here.

You can use affiliate networks to sell advertising. They allow the installation of advertising blocks or virtual storefronts with goods on websites. When using this system, you can receive payment for clicks on teasers or for a purchase made by a client who goes to the advertiser’s website. The “Where is the Elephant” and Mixmarket networks are actively working in this area

Online sales are growing every year. Millions of sellers want to offer their products to people, and the Internet provides this opportunity. Online trading marked the beginning of a new type of sales, which in turn defined new rules for sales marketing. In today's article we will learn how to sell advertising on the Internet and study its main types.

How do you sell advertising on the Internet?

For example, like this:

You can sell advertising by sending out a mailing with a commercial offer or calling companies with an offer to increase sales and traffic from real clients to their store or calls to the office, for only $100 per month. Everyone wants to increase sales and their profits; it is important to convey this opportunity and make them believe you. Many advertisers are ready to take payment only for results. This makes it easier to persuade an entrepreneur to work with you, but there are risks that you will not be paid.

For the average Internet user, and especially business person, it is very difficult to understand all the intricacies of setting up contextual advertising, so you are the person who will set up and place advertising on the Internet for payment. You just need to learn how to sell your knowledge and skills. Each type of advertising has its own effectiveness, but in real life this can only be determined by trial and error. I bring to your attention an experience that will teach you how to sell online advertising. So let's get started!

Who needs to sell advertising on the Internet and how to do it?

  1. small and medium-sized organizations that sell a product or service;
  2. private entrepreneurs;
  3. website owners who want to increase traffic and website image.

Most of them have their own websites, but some don’t yet, and this is not a reason to cross them off your list of clients. You can sell advertising services on the Internet to anyone.

“Maybe he’s doing great with sales and clients?” To do this, you must conduct an audit and do the following:

  • Select products or services that you would like to advertise: trainings, pots, tents, cars, services, etc.;
  • Enter several queries on them in Google or Yandex. For example: “Buy a tourist tent”, “Tent for tourism”, “Inexpensive tourist tent”, etc. 5-10 will be enough;
  • Go to the third or lower page in the browser output for each request. It is necessary to identify sites that cannot afford first positions for the majority of thematic queries. Take 2,3,4 pages of results - this will be your first customer base. It is to them that we will sell advertising;
  • Check the traffic of each site, any Internet service. Sites with low and medium traffic are our highest priority clients, since the business owner is probably waiting for the site to start making a profit, bringing customers from the Internet. Although no one will refuse additional sales;
  • Are there advertisements? Check with a special service, for example, whether this site uses online advertising or not. Our goal is to select those sites that do not use or rarely use advertising on the Internet. This way you will have the opportunity to prove to a potential customer in practice that your promotion methods work and your competitors are not sleeping.
  • Select sites, who are included in the list of potential candidates for cold calling or in the mailing list from the CP. Not everyone has a contact page (phone, email) on their website, but most do - these are our clients.
  • Personalize CP and send by email. Read how to make a commercial proposal. Then call back or contact the moderator or site owner (in small and medium-sized companies, the administration staff can be up to 10 people, everyone there is aware of everything) and ask him what he thinks about the CP that you sent a day ago. If the CP has not been read, use the script;
  • Preparing the script. Create a call script: “Good afternoon (name if you know), my name is Peter. I do online sales. I see you don't use online advertising. Will my method of promoting your product increase your sales by at least 20%? To do this, you just need to allow me to advertise your product for the first 2 weeks absolutely free. If you notice that your sales have increased, we will try to work on a regular basis. How do you like the offer? You can read how to create a call script.

Although this method may be controversial and labor-intensive, it will help you find clients completely free of charge. Having audited sites from 2-3-4 pages, you will not only get to know your potential client, but also his competitive environment, which will help you deal with objections.

Types of advertising on the Internet

The advantage of such advertising on the Internet is that it can be targeted, i.e. customize for specific target audience TA. If in simple words, then you can specify in the advertising settings who exactly you want to show the ad to: men, women, age, area of ​​residence, interests, etc. Read what the target audience is. So the types of online advertising:

It is displayed only when a person has entered a request that is specified in the settings of this contextual advertising. It turns out as if advertising is stalking a person on the Internet. With the help of contextual advertising you can sell anything. The most popular services for selling and setting up contextual advertising are Yandex Direct and Google Adwords, but today, many other Internet services offer contextual advertising services. The cost of such advertising can fluctuate greatly. however, if you learn to look for low-competitive requests, then you can meet $100 per month - this is the minimum budget;

It consists only of a banner that depicts a product or service, contains contact information and, when clicked, leads to the website of the seller of this product. This type of advertising is more expensive than contextual and teaser advertising, since you will need to make a banner that must work (be attractive, high-quality, motivating, selling, etc.). This type of advertising is very popular, since an attractive picture, like a magnet, attracts the mouse to itself.

Don't be surprised if you see a banner ad on a weather website for a car sales site you visited yesterday.

Example of banner advertising on websites

As you can see, on the weather website, at the top and right there are red arrows indicating the placement of contextual banner advertising. You can organize banner advertising not only through Yandex Direct and Google Adwords, but also through many other intermediary services and independent platforms. Enter “Banner advertising” into the search bar and you will see a list of sites that can provide you paid services for placing this type of advertising. This type of advertising can sell well: click - go to the site - click on cart - order.

Example of teaser advertising on the website

It is not blocked by browser widgets and fits harmoniously into the website pages. It seems that this is part of the site, with the posted news, which has a bright appearance and attracts with an intriguing headline. It is the most inexpensive and easily customizable. It is enough to register on a thematic teaser platform, and in a couple of minutes, your advertisement will appear on partner sites of this advertising platform.

Advertising on YouTube channels. On YouTube you can often find advertisements before starting to watch a video or in the middle. Video advertising makes it possible to show much more than a picture or a couple of inscriptions can. Therefore, services, courses, trainings, seminars and other complex products are often advertised on YouTube, although you can also find many advertisements for branded products.

Advertising on trading platforms in the Internet. Ukraine, Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, etc. have their own regional Internet platforms where trade is actively developing. Despite their prevalence, many do not know about them or they simply do not have time to place their goods there. But using their paid functions, you can significantly increase sales and customer influx.

You can offer organizations your services to promote their products remotely. Advertising a product or service on such sites can increase sales tenfold, the main thing is to convey this to a potential client.

Targeted advertising on specialized websites or forums. For example. If you need to sell a service - training, or promote a training agency, then best advertising, as placement on specialized sites cannot be found. You need to find sites related to the topic of this training and contact its administrator. You should discuss the conditions for placing an advertising banner on the landing pages of a profile site and do not forget about the geography factor. It is from them that people will go to the landing page of a specific training or training agency or call the phone number indicated in the advertisement.

Sending sales letters. If you have a base email addresses, then you can offer a potential customer, draw attention to his product by sending out a commercial proposal (CP) directly to the email of specific people. The CP may contain a link to a website, phone number, or a promotional offer to purchase something. Despite the fact that such mailings are called spam, they can also reach part of your target audience.

Advertising in in social networks . You can advertise yourself or your product on social networks Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc. Each social network has its own internal advertising, which is also customized for a specific target audience and can be quite effective. This way you can not only promote a product, but also promote yourself (increase awareness of a brand, company, accustom the audience to yourself).

What does an online advertising seller need to know?

  • Proficient in the functionality of advertising services Yandex Direct and Google Adwords, etc.;
  • Compose commercial offers(KP) in in electronic format and advertising banners (for teaser and banner advertising). If you do not know how to write sales texts and Photoshop, order a service from freelancers or a marketing agency;
  • Have an email account, Skype, Viber, Telegram or other means of negotiation with the customer, because he may even be from another country;
  • Calculate the most optimal cost of display in the Yandex and Google advertising systems according to the customer’s budget, as well as the optimal type of advertising for his product or service;
  • Collect keywords for a specific product. The greater the coverage, the easier it will be to understand which request worked better and which one is just wasting money. If it's not clear to you now, start tuning contextual advertising and the questions will disappear by themselves;
  • Monitor and analyze advertising effectiveness, analyze.
  • Know how to sell - listen to the client, know how to ask questions, know how to talk.


As you can see, it will be very difficult for an ordinary entrepreneur or business owner who does not have his own marketing and advertising department to understand all this. If you can prove the effectiveness of your work in practice, you can sell advertising and have a solid income with only a dozen regular customers. The cold calling technique, which underlies active sales and customer search, as well as an audit of competitors’ websites will help you reach these people. “Do you know how much your competitors spend on advertising on the Internet?”

We look forward to your comments!

In many ways, sales success is determined by both the strategy for working in the advertising market developed by the publishing house and the tactics of interaction with clients.

Under strategy Sales involves working with various market participants, as well as the principle of distributing clients among employees of the advertising service of the publishing house.

A publishing house can sell services both with its own employees and with the help of specialized agencies (freelance advertising agents). The most effective ways are always suggested by the market itself. It is this that, first of all, the sales strategy should correspond to.

In a publishing house that produces several newspapers and/or magazines, it is quite common for the average advertiser to account for about 60% of the income of the entire sales team, for a large advertiser to account for about 10%, and for a small advertiser to account for about 30%.

The main income for the press comes from small and medium business. Advertising agencies do not fully serve it. They are primarily interested in working with middle and big business, it is simply not profitable for them to work with a meager advertising budget.

Obviously, to implement effective sales The publishing house will have to use not only the strength of advertising agencies, but also its own. That is, sales to small advertisers will be carried out mainly directly by the advertising service of the publishing house, large ones - through advertising agencies, medium - both directly and through advertising agencies.

Selling directly to advertisers

Sales directly to advertisers are carried out both through personal visits from employees (letters, telephone conversations, and when the advertisers themselves contact the publishing house. As a rule, sales employees contact medium-sized advertisers. Small advertisers contact the publishing house themselves (in person, by phone or by mail). After all, the cost of individual small orders is usually too small for advertising service employees to go out to receive them.

Sales through advertising agencies

Publishing house employees must cooperate effectively with advertising agencies not only because they provide significant financial payments to large and medium-sized clients. It is also important that the appearance of advertising by large companies (from advertising agencies) on the pages of the publication has a positive effect on the decision to advertise with medium and small advertisers. They are more willing to advertise if they see an example of a “whale” business.

As many advertising agencies as possible, including those from different regions, should be involved in joint work with the publishing house. The number of contracts between a publishing house and advertising agencies can be dozens, or even hundreds.

The specificity of working with advertising agencies is that employees of the advertising service of a publishing house have to deal not just with businessmen, but with advertising professionals, often with the best specialists in this field.

Sales can be carried out both with the help of advertising agencies specialized in them (“media buyers”), and through advertising agencies - exclusive representatives of advertisers.

When selling online, it is also beneficial to cooperate with online agencies. They can help optimize the site to meet the requirements of the Internet, suggest how it is advisable to adjust prices, technical parameters, etc.

Advertising agents should not be ignored either. They usually work on very good personal connections with advertiser representatives. Accordingly, agents can come to an agreement with those clients with whom they were unable to establish cooperation either directly or through advertising agencies.

Advertising agents should be helped to properly organize their work. Like advertising agencies, agents need to explain the specifics of advertising services, the technology of their production, and issue various advertising materials.

Algorithm for selling advertising services. There are opponents of all kinds of algorithms: every situation is unique! This is true. But it would never occur to anyone to build a house haphazardly, without following the algorithm of engineering laws about the stages of construction: first we study and prepare the territory for development, then we build a foundation, erect walls, etc. And all this is done very carefully in accordance with the construction project. And unique situations at a construction site are a dime a dozen, and the construction engineer must make the only correct, error-free decision on the spot.

The area of ​​human relationships is no less complex. And a person who is engaged in sales needs to know and understand the basic, fundamental laws of the psyche and psychology in order to be able to “read a person” like a book, to predict his behavior in different situations. Sales techniques have been and remain relevant always and everywhere, regardless of time and geographic coordinates.

By the way, in the East they know that sales are a delicate matter, and even street vendors are not ashamed to learn from each other every day, improving their skills. Knowledge of sales techniques allows you not to “reinvent the wheel” every time, “freezing” like a computer for an indefinite time, but to be armed to the teeth with all sorts of wisdom - then your creative, inventive thought works hundreds of times faster. The seller’s behavior should be 80% regulated by a prepared typical scenario and 20% determined by improvisation.

I know dozens of ways to kill a sale, what about you?

  1. Start with a presentation of “your most wonderful magazine in the world” without asking the person a single question, and alienate the client with a lack of interest in his person
  2. Know in advance “what he needs” and run into the categorical: “We don’t need this.”
  3. Tire the client with your endless monologue about the benefits of your advertising medium.
  4. Write a letter to the client about five pages long, and then call and ask: “Well, what have you decided?”
  5. Ruin the sale from the first minutes with a template, stencil approach.
  6. When you first call, after the first phrase ask: “Do you advertise in print media?”
  7. Argue with the client, proving that he is wrong.
  8. To any objection, immediately blurt out your opinion without asking questions.
  9. Offer the client different options for your offer, wondering: maybe this, or maybe that... instead of first asking a series of questions to identify his needs.
  10. Ignore the person’s “empty” eyes and continue your monologue.
  11. “Rattle” if a person said that he has little time.
  12. Start by discussing prices.

Well, that's enough, you can continue the list yourself. Let's see what sales classics advise us.

Five classic stages of selling

  1. Establishing contact.
  2. Customer orientation and needs identification.
  3. Presentation.
  4. Processing objections.
  5. Price negotiations. Make a deal.

If you ignore what humanity has developed and violate this algorithm, your fate is to constantly run into a huge number of excuses and “football excuses.” Then you will have to suffer for a long time, trying to overcome the client’s fierce resistance.

There are, of course, exceptions to the rules. For example, when a client has already sold your service to himself and shouts: “I urgently want a spread in the next issue of your magazine!” In this case, the sale will take place in a collapsed form. But even in this case, do not forget to carefully clarify the client’s needs and what problems he is going to solve with the help of the publication. Otherwise, if his expectations do not coincide with the results from the advertisement, this will be the only and last publication and the next time you call him, the client will shout something completely different...

After all, this is not a sale in a store, when the buyer says: “I want this particular sofa - and that’s it.” Why is selling services so difficult? The person selling the service must be a kind of superman who performs several roles at different stages of the sale: at the stage of establishing contact - an artist who must capture attention, at the stage of identifying needs - a psychologist who makes a “diagnosis”, at the presentation stage - an expert and advertising consultant . At the stage of processing objections, you turn into a psychotherapist who needs to relieve the client’s concerns and fears. And only when the deal is concluded are you the seller.

Chapter 4. Preparatory stage

Any serious matter requires careful preparation. The more carefully the building design is developed and carried out preparatory work, the more successful the construction is and the better the quality of the constructed structure. The more information you collect about the company, the deeper and more thoroughly you prepare for the upcoming conversation, the easier it is for you to catch the attention of your negotiating partner, the easier it is to interest him. Both theorists and practitioners unanimously claim that 70% of sales success depends on thorough preparation. A genuine impromptu is always worse and paler than a pre-conceived one. /Mark Twain/

Let us note the main points of preparation.

  1. Clear structure and consistency of working with the database. It is very important to be able to highlight what is important and urgent, plan the sequence of work on companies, and act clearly according to the plan.
  2. Preliminary preparation for the call based on collected and studied information (Internet and other sources of information, up to preliminary exploratory calls). Careful collection of information will help you find a lot of clues to keep your attention during telephone conversations and during meetings. Thoughtful questions will help make the meeting more effective.
  3. Collection and storage of information on companies, maintaining files. Keeping a diary of negotiations. The dossier should be in a standard form, and not on separate pieces of paper that get lost, but in electronic form, in a CRM program or at least in Excel (see Appendix 1 - dossier and negotiation diary).
    • Develop clear criteria for the sequence of work with the database, for example as follows.
      1. Grouping companies according to the criterion “here is the money that I need to earn.” Label all companies, for example by color. “The Reds are the most commercially interesting companies that I will call first. Brown ones are the most dubious companies that I will call last, based on the principle of residuality. And the middle ones are green firms, 50% to 50%, with which you just need to work.” Every day, start with the “red” companies, then move on to the “green” ones.
      2. Distribute companies by sections and topics.
      3. Start from your money plans and don’t get carried away with the process. “I have to call all the companies” is not the most important criterion; the main thing is the result of the work, expressed in sales volumes. Run the numbers. Which companies can give you projected figures?
      4. Study network planning (in accordance with publication plans for the year) and plan your work for the year, for the quarter, for the month, for the week. Each time after the rescheduling call for the first time, enter the rescheduled date into the network schedule or include the rescheduling date in the CRM program organizer.

Chapter 5. Establishing contact

The art of building trust and “building bridges” in negotiations An experienced salesperson knows: if you do something wrong from the very beginning, everything else goes awry! The first impression effect is a powerful thing. You can make someone fall in love with you “at first sight,” but it’s even easier to cause negative feelings, which are then difficult or even impossible to change.

Please do not believe those who say: “You will be friends with the client after the crisis, make more calls!” Of course, you need to make a lot of calls, but not at the expense of the quality of contacts! There is nothing more terrible than active ignorance, and more stupid than “shooting sparrows from a cannon” with unprepared, low-quality calls.

Those who love “quantity” rather than quality are popularly called “sales woodpeckers.” They do harm advertising organization, since they “nail” the client base in the bud. The main task has been and remains at all times: create loyal customers, adherents of your magazine, newspaper (or other advertising medium), who value your advertising services. Then they will respect you, appreciate you, will be devoted to you for years, and your wallets will get fatter from this.

To do this, you need to learn to love and respect your consumer, be friends with him and be as useful to him as possible. The crisis dictates to us the need to be not just professionals in our field, but to be masters of aerobatics! But looking for someone who is loyal, willing, imbued with love and respect for you is absurd. You can search for mushrooms in a dry forest for days, or you can plant a mushroom plantation on fertilized soil and reap abundant harvests.

Study the laws of land reclamation. Of course, you will have to plow, cultivating the soil. This work is different from walking in the forest. But the results are not comparable. There's no point in starting a sale if they don't want to listen to you. First you need to “catch” the attention of your negotiating partner, “build bridges”, and inspire the client’s trust. Trust is the foundation of a relationship; without it, the entire structure of the sales process will collapse. It's easy to say: inspire trust... Let's try to figure it out. Who do you trust most? Right! To myself. Therefore, our task is to learn to transform into... a client, to literally learn to “get into his skin” in order to understand his feelings, problems and needs from the inside.

By becoming “the client yourself,” it is easier to gain his trust. It is necessary to establish good and long-term relationships if you do not want to deal primarily with one-time clientele. How to learn to understand your negotiating partner? This is a whole art. Read the extensive psychology literature on attunement (or affiliation) and learn by doing.

Joining by voice (by speed, volume, pitch) Any dissonance is not only unpleasant and can irritate, it disrupts understanding. For example, a discrepancy in speech speed can lead to the fact that you simply won’t be heard. If you speak too quickly compared to your partner, it is not a harmless mismatch. The speed of speech depends on the speed of thinking. Your slow-speaking partner is very behind you. Most of your words will just be a “rolling roller” on your ears.

The speed of thought is four times faster than spoken words, and if you still don’t know how to listen and while the client is speaking, you are mentally thinking about what to say next, then you are actually talking to yourself, and not to the client. You lose contact and important partner keywords. It is very difficult for you to understand each other. Yes, the client will not strain himself; it will be easier for him to get rid of you as quickly as possible.

Speech that is too loud is perceived as aggressive, and speech that is too quiet is perceived as insecure. High intonation means tightness of the speech organs. Relax, speak in a chesty voice - this way your voice sounds more confidential, friendly, and soothing. Record yourself on the player during negotiations and listen from the outside. Would you trust such an agent? Does this sound terrible? And if in front of you is an “auditory” student and not a “visual” student, it is even more terrible for him...

Ideally, you should be on the same wavelength, entering into a “resonance” of mutual understanding based on speech characteristics with your negotiating partner. And having joined, you need to lead the client both intonationally and in meaning. Connection in space (horizontally/vertically and by distance)

I hope you already know which is better:

  • do not knock on the office door, but go in, at the same time asking permission to enter (meaning that the person at work does not do anything other than work);
  • introduce yourself not while standing at the door, but walk with a confident gait and ask permission to sit down if you have not been offered this;
  • do not sit across the barrier (table), it is better to sit next to you (slightly diagonally from your partner);
  • do not sit further than one meter and closer than 60 cm from your partner.

Joining by non-verbal signals (gestures, facial expressions) Read Alan Pease’s book “Body Language”. Today, almost all more or less experienced negotiators know or have at least heard that it is necessary to repeat the client’s gestures and facial expressions, “mirror”. But be careful, don't be a monkey.

If you really learn how to professionally “mirror” a client, the results will surprise you. It will be easy for you to manage him, because he will trust you as himself. Joining by vocabulary We speak differently to a housewife than to an academician. In another language. It's clear. But there are also elementary rules for conducting negotiations. Each word carries a certain semantic meaning and programs one or another thought.

If, for example, when introducing yourself you say, “So-and-so is bothering you,” you are giving your partner the idea that:

  1. you interfere with him during working hours;
  2. you are lower than him in status;
  3. It's hardly worth wasting my time on you.

Why such humiliation? Why such uncertainty? Ask yourself a question: maybe you yourself are not very confident in what you are offering? Do you feel like you're going to ask for something? And are you embarrassed? Don't you feel like you are on an equal footing with your communication partner? Or do you want to show politeness? You are not disturbing, but giving your negotiating partner a chance to make his business even more successful. And you demonstrated not politeness, but uncertainty and unprofessionalism.

From the very first seconds of talking on the phone.

Most typical mistake for a newbie in sales - the use of numerous “not with a verb” in speech. - Could you? - Don’t you want to?.. This is our Russian, or rather Soviet, cultural habit. Listen: “Could you tell me?..”, “Are you going out now?”, “Could you tell me?..”, “Would you be so kind?..”. Sound familiar?

In the speech itself we hear the possibility that we admit that we may not be given something, we may be deprived, we may be promised and not given, we may not be shown a favor, etc. We are not sure, the psychology of a beggar has been imposed on us, who is afraid that he will not have enough of something, and we do not believe in success in advance. “Not with a verb” is not just a sign of uncertainty. Everything is much worse.

You are achieving the exact opposite of what has been said. Tell your child: “Don’t walk through puddles, don’t slam the door.” What will the child do? Right! It will happily splash through the puddle, dousing you with splashes of water. He will slam the door, and more than once. And who is to blame? You yourself actually suggested this to him, and the child - a researcher exploring this world - only checked interesting idea offered to him by an adult.

"What do I want to put on my pages?" - this question is asked by every person planning to create a new website. It is this question that is one of the first when creating a new layout, and each of us sooner or later answers it for ourselves... and most do it wrong.

For each page we mean informative content (text or pictures), a navigation system, reader response forms, and we forget (and sometimes deliberately ignore) about the advertising that we are forced to place on our pages. Advertising plays a very important role in the existence of most resources, because... it brings either additional visitors, or fame, or money, or both, so it is quite important in any serious (non-commercial) project. Therefore, you should never ignore the advertising placed on your server; moreover, you should pay no less attention to it than to other components of your pages.

Next, I want to give some tips on how to correctly and effectively place advertising on your pages, as well as how to make sure that advertising does not disfigure the design you have made.

1. Place the banner in the layout grid.

When developing the page layout of your site, determine the typical placement of advertisements on pages (for the entire site or for each page separately, depending on the layout).

Try to ensure that the advertisement is always in the same place on the page, then the user will get used to it and the advertisement will annoy him less, and therefore, your site will look more attractive to the reader, although the effectiveness of the advertisement will not decrease.

Among other things, if you place the advertisement in the layout grid, then you will not have problems when laying out the pages. At least one problem will be less, which is not bad. 2. Before planning the layout, decide for yourself what kind of advertising and where you will place it., which are represented mainly by the three most common formats. In fact, there are a great many of these formats, but mainly only three are used: 88x31 (button), 400x50 (Half-banner), 468x60 (Full banner). Recently, new banner formats have begun to appear, including the following standards are being actively promoted on the RuNet: 120x60, 100x100, as well as the so-called “ears” - 200x55. In English-language networks, formats such as 150x60, 125x125 began to appear.

Obviously, with all the variety of formats, you need to focus on no more than 2-3 of them. However, the most common format is 468x60, it is used by almost all banner exchange services, all banner brokers without exception, as well as many private companies; This banner is the actual standard (stems from the 640x480 resolution, where it is obtained by subtracting the margins of the browser window frame - this is exactly the width of the banner that is visible at this resolution without horizontal scrolling of the bar), so I do not recommend neglecting it.

A button is more of a means of private exchange between friendly sites - it can be easily placed on almost any page, in addition, it is usually a very small file, which practically does not increase the page loading time; Some brokers and banner exchange systems operate such banners, but the effectiveness of this type of advertising, in my opinion, has not been studied enough to rely solely on it.

Formats - 400x50, 125x125, 150x60 are rarely used, and although some exchange and brokerage networks support them, they are not recommended to use. The use of banners of rare sizes may be due to some site design features, however, be prepared for the fact that it will not be easy for you to find advertisers willing to place non-standard advertising on your site. When calculating the advertising space of a site, rely on the 468x60 format, since at least 60% of all banner advertising passes through it. 3. Use simple substrates. may cause serious visible conflict with surrounding materials. Most banners include bright colors, large designs and contrasting color combinations to better attract the eyes of readers, sometimes their compositions can be even more than risqué, but they are almost always edgy. If you are using complex color scheme, unusual backgrounds, bright, hot colors in the design of your site, then you risk that when displaying an inappropriate banner, your site will turn into a terrible paranoid nightmare instead of a carefully developed and verified design.

To avoid such conflicts, try to use low-contrast, soft substrates with a monotonous, very blurry pattern, reminiscent of bedroom wallpaper or plain backgrounds in a soft light pastel color scheme. Under no circumstances should you use aggressive and flashy colors: red, orange, acid green, acid blue, bright brown, hot pink, raspberry, purple, etc. Also, you should not use a screenshot from “doom” as a background. or a photograph of a mountain range in the rays of the midday sun - you will kill both the picture and the advertisement. I don’t know what you would feel more sorry for, but I prefer to feel sorry for visitors who are also people, no matter what advertisers and publishers think about it.

In the event that you consider it absolutely necessary to use flashy colors, then you can use one little trick - neutralization. Choose a color pair to the main color of your background (black - white; orange - blue, etc.) and set frames around each banner with the line color reversed to the background and a thickness of 1-3 pixels. This move will help you distance the banners themselves a little from the content of the site, so you can try to avoid eclecticism on your pages. Another option is to use special pads or backings for advertising blocks.

4. Make do with a minimum number of pictures on the pages.

Remember that each banner is a picture, often animated and, accordingly, not small in size. Naturally, each image, including the banner, takes time to load. Now tell me: how many of your visitors work on leased lines? In view of this, the pressing problem is to reduce the loading time to a minimum so that the user does not find a more attractive destination. Therefore, if you intend to seriously use the advantages of banner advertising and give it its rightful place in the promotion of your site, then think about minimizing the number of your own service images on the page.

Think, for example, do you really need a rotating “E-mail” inscription, maybe you can do without it?

By the way, for the same reason you should not put more than three banners on one page, otherwise it will be excessively large and overloaded with advertising. In addition, many banner exchange and sale companies require their advertising to be placed no closer than 500-600 pixels from another advertising image.

This requirement, by the way, is not an empty quibble on the part of the advertiser - such placement of banners will reduce user irritation from unsolicited advertising.

5. Don't use animation.

As mentioned above, most of the banners spinning on the Internet are animated, and not just something slowly turning, but bright, eye-catching cartoons are used. Add to this your animated pictures, and what do you get?
Your visitor comes to a page where everything jumps, sparkles, screams, swears... the person gets scared and runs away in horror to another page - is this really what you want? In addition, as already mentioned, animation makes the page heavier, and again you wait half an hour for the page to load.
6. Break the pages into small pieces.
When you plan a layout, first of all, you calculate what and in what quantities you will put on your pages.
In order to explore the site, the user is forced to go through more pages and, therefore, see more banners.
Thus, it becomes clear that making small pages is beneficial in all respects, except that the more pages you have, the more fiddling with them and the easier it is to get confused in them.

If, however, the information you present requires a long page (for example, an article), then you can use another technique: place a banner that is important to you in the footer (frame), and one or two not too important ones in the main text. Experience shows that a banner placed in a footer has a one and a half times higher CTR, so while frame technology in general is not very well implemented in its current form, it may make sense to consider using it to increase advertising returns.

I hope the tips I've provided will help you better advertise on your pages and ultimately make better money with your site. I also hope that these tips will help you prepare your layout for any eventuality.
